Dear Folks,
Just a line to tell you I am enjoying the trip so far and have met a lot of swell guys. We have been in Ariz., N.M., Texas and now we're in N.M. again. We are headed for Chicago and then to Ft. Knox. I am in a big hurry because the train is leaving and I have to mail this. Bye for now.
* * *
June 13, 1944
Armored Command
Ft. Knox, Kentucky
Dear Dad,
Well pop, another year has gone by and here is Father's Day. I would sure love to be able to go out with you and play a little ball or pitch a game of horseshoes. I can remember times that we did just such things and hope it will be very soon that we will be able to do it again. I have really enjoyed the letters I have received from you and am sorry I have not had more time to answer them. It seems that Convair is getting along fair without me, but I wouldn't mind helping them get rid of a little more of their bank account. I don't believe I would gripe as much as I did while I was there.
We haven't had hardly any time free time lately, but have been learning a heck of a lot. I qualified for driver on the medium tank last week. We have learned so many different things, I don't really know what I will be doing after I leave here. So far, it looks O.K. to me. I have been dreaming of coming back to Diego for weeks now and boy will I be glad when that day comes.
You will have to excuse the writing as I don't have a table to write on, more fun. I hope you get this card in time and I wish you all the happiness in the world. Tell everybody I'm still kicking and I'll see you all soon.
Lots of love + luck,
P.S. I'll write, you write.
* * *
June 25, 1944
Ft. Knox, Kentucky
Dear Mom,
Well I am finally writing a line to let you know I am still well and here in the hills of Kentuck. It is Sunday afternoon and I have just came back from church. They have really been moving us around a lot in the last few weeks. We got back from our camping last week and have been trying to get settled and go to gunnery school too. I have been learning a lot lately and been on the go most all the time. I don't remember whether or not I told you, but I have qualified as driver on a medium tank. It is exactly the same thing Dorel had while he was here at Knox.
They say we have a lot better training than they ever had here before. I have heard talks from officers that have been over there and they say there is no other camp in the U.S. that has as good of training as they have here. I have heard this from several different persons and believe there is something in it. Most of the fellows I came out with are still here so it isn't so bad. The country here is really pretty now and I sure like it. The only thing I have against it is the darn weather. It has really been hot here and I do mean hot. Last Sunday it was up to 115 and I really felt it. A couple of days ago I ran into Frank Cook. Boy was I surprised to see him. I just got to talk to him for a few minutes. He has only been here for a couple of weeks and don't like it so good. I hope I'll get to talk to him again before I leave. Dad's letters have sounded good. I hope he feels as good as he sounds. I will get my furlough in about a month I hope. It will really be swell to get back for a few days and see all of you. Don't worry about Alice as she don't mean as much to me as I thought she did. I'll get by O.K. There are some girls from Cincinnati here for a dance this afternoon so I guess I'll go. I'll try to get a few lines off to Dad and Lois this evening or tomorrow night.
Take care of yourself and be good.
All my love,
P.S. I'll write, you write.
Sept. 21, 1944
Prov. Det.
20th Armored Division
Camp Campbell, Ky.
Dear Folks,
Believe it or not I am back in camp. I haven't found out anything about it as yet, but it looks like it will be O.K. I met a couple of the fellows I came out from Calif. with and sure was glad to see them. They have been here for a couple of weeks and like it pretty good. It sure seems like a long time since I left there, but it is only less than a week ago. I guess you have received our letter from Louisville by now, at least I hope you did. We were both in a silly mood and I guess you think we are nuts.
Mom I don't think anything quite like this ever happened to me and it means so darn much to me. I didn't think a girl could mean so darn much to me as Dottie does. She wants so very much for you to like her. She is everything I would ever want my girl to be. She is crazy about me and thinks the world and all of me. She bawled like a baby when I left to come down here and she is so sweet and thoughtful. Her folks are really wonderful and they like me quite a bit. I know I am still pretty young, but plan on waiting quite some time before taking any further steps. I'm sorry for blowing off, but I just had to tell you how I feel. She sent about five letters I never did get so please send them right along if you got any there.
If my picture is any good, please put it in with that little scarf and bag and send them to me. Also I need Dottie's picture very much, do you know what I mean?
Did you get that car you was thinking about, pappy? I believe that is about the best deal you could ever get. Guess what I did??? I went down to the U.S.O. in Louisville to sleep one night and some sweet soul picked up my duffel bag. I had it right next to the bed and had my jacket over it, but somebody got hold of it while I was sleeping. Nobody knew anything about it, so I am just out 1 uniform, some shorts and socks, all my toilet articles, my shoe shine kit, my little folder with my pictures in it, all my letters from Dottie, and goodness knows what else. Damn some people's children. I have to replace all of that and would sure appreciate a touch until the 15th of Aug. I would of made it out maybe, but with that bad luck I am really stuck. I am just here temporary, but you never can tell how long. We should move into our regular barracks before the first of November.
Well guys, I have to hit the sack so be good and take care of yourselves. Thanks a lot for everything you have done and good luck and stuff.
All the love in the world,
P.S. Will write as soon as I get a little time.
* * *
June 27, 1944
Armored Command
Ft. Knox, Kentucky
Dear Folks,
I received the letter from Lois last night and also your sweet letter, Mom. I just couldn't believe it and still can't believe it's true. One of my best buddies here got the same kind of news three weeks ago. Just about a week ago he received word that his brother had been in the hospital for over a month and was doing fine. They can get reports wrong and all screwed up very easy. I just hope and pray Dorel had a little luck and sincerely believe he had more of a chance than most any of the other boys there. There are so many different things that could happen. I don't know what I can say to make you feel better, but keep on punching and things will turn out O.K.
I had so much on my mind this morning that I guess I sort of messed up my test on gunnery. I won't know until tomorrow, but I'm hoping. The fellows next door to us got their furlough this Saturday and are sure happy. I was talking to some of them and they said everybody in their outfit under 19 were being sent to Kansas for some more training. I've heard that rumor more than once so I hope it's true.
You probably won't believe this, but I just got back from the dentist. They filled 8 teeth. Gee, what a time I had. I am sure glad they are done, because you know I hate those guys.
You guys said something about that paper that I was supposed to get. Well I got one or two copies about a month or two ago. We have another week and a half before we go on battle training for two weeks. We figure we'll be home about Aug. 1. It seems such a long time since I left and I can't hardly wait till I see all of you again.
I've got a headache and can't think of anything else to say so I better close for now. Take care of yourselves and good luck.
All of my love,
P.S. I'll write, you write.
* * *
Aug. 7, 1944
Fort Knox, Kentucky
Dear Mom,
Well here I am again to let you know I am still at good old Fort Knox and in the best of health. We won't go to battle training till next Sunday so I have the rest of this week to mess around. I took the same thing in A-8 that we are having this week but that is the way it goes. This Co. isn't half as good as the old one, but there are a lot of swell guys in here. One of the fellows took me home with him this weekend and I had quite a bit of fun. We went to a dance Sat. night and on a picnic Sun. He lives in Candelton, Indiana and lives right next to the Ohio River. It sure is pretty country around there. I also got along with the girls too. That reminds me. Ruby wrote me a letter and bawled me out for not coming up over the weekend. Her folks had gone to Indianapolis Friday and she was very lonely over the weekend. Darn it. I kicked myself right in the pants when I got the letter this morning.
Gee Mom, I'm sorry I got you so so worried, but I went over to the old Co. to find out what the hell happened to those letters. They didn't have them but the mail clerk was on furlough and the mail was really messed up. So far I have damned near got my pants kicked in by my Captain here and also the corporal for not writing. I went over to the old Co. and was hopped onto by the first sergeant and the corporal. They received word from the Red Cross that I hadn't wrote one letter to you guys since I have been in the Army. What the hell's the matter with that Red Cross there? Do they want me to get in trouble? Well let's forget about this mix up and I'll try my best to get as many letters off as I can.
Why don't you send that candy Ruby made on out here? That would really taste good. Say have you found any sweat socks yet? I could use a few pair on B.T.
You remember that diary I took? Well I have wrote a little in it but can't think of much to put in it. Have you guys got that trailer yet? If you have you hadn't better rent it out till after about the middle of Sept. because you will probably have a visitor about the first part of Sept. I won't tell you who, but I hope these next few weeks pass quick so I can get home. Most of the fellows I was with went to Camp Chaffe Arkansas. There was some that went to Colorado and I believe that is probably where I will be. Well I will know in three more weeks so I'm hoping.
There are about six fellows from Calif. here in our barracks so I get a kick out of talking to them. They are really anxious to get back and pretty nice eggs. I have been in about a dozen different positions trying to write this and it really a mess. I can't think of a thing to write that I haven't told you so I better shut up for now. I'll write again very soon, but please don't worry. Tell everybody hello + I'll be seeing you all.
All my love,
P.S. I'll write, you write.
* * *
Sept. 21, 1944
Prov. Det.
20th Armored Division
Camp Campbell, Ky.
Dear Folks,
Believe it or not I am back in camp. I haven't found out anything about it as yet, but it looks like it will be O.K. I met a couple of the fellows I came out from Calif. with and sure was glad to see them. They have been here for a couple of weeks and like it pretty good. It sure seems like a long time since I left there, but it is only less than a week ago. I guess you have received our letter from Louisville by now, at least I hope you did. We were both in a silly mood and I guess you think we are nuts.
Mom I don't think anything quite like this ever happened to me and it means so darn much to me. I didn't think a girl could mean so darn much to me as Dottie does. She wants so very much for you to like her. She is everything I would ever want my girl to be. She is crazy about me and thinks the world and all of me. She bawled like a baby when I left to come down here and she is so sweet and thoughtful. Her folks are really wonderful and they like me quite a bit. I know I am still pretty young, but plan on waiting quite some time before taking any further steps. I'm sorry for blowing off, but I just had to tell you how I feel. She sent about five letters I never did get so please send them right along if you got any there.
If my picture is any good, please put it in with that little scarf and bag and send them to me. Also I need Dottie's picture very much, do you know what I mean?
Did you get that car you was thinking about, pappy? I believe that is about the best deal you could ever get. Guess what I did??? I went down to the U.S.O. in Louisville to sleep one night and some sweet soul picked up my duffel bag. I had it right next to the bed and had my jacket over it, but somebody got hold of it while I was sleeping. Nobody knew anything about it, so I am just out 1 uniform, some shorts and socks, all my toilet articles, my shoe shine kit, my little folder with my pictures in it, all my letters from Dottie, and goodness knows what else. Damn some people's children. I have to replace all of that and would sure appreciate a touch until the 15th of Aug. I would of made it out maybe, but with that bad luck I am really stuck. I am just here temporary, but you never can tell how long. We should move into our regular barracks before the first of November.
Well guys, I have to hit the sack so be good and take care of yourselves. Thanks a lot for everything you have done and good luck and stuff.
All the love in the world,
P.S. Will write as soon as I get a little time.
* * *
Sept. 25, 1944
Prov. Det.
20th Armored Division
Camp Campbell, Ky.
Dear Folks,
This is the start of a new week and it finds me well and happy and hoping you are all the same. I haven't received a letter as yet, but should get one in a couple of days, I hope.
We are still messing around doing guard duty and details and hope something happens pretty soon. Out division is out in the field so we are not assigned as yet. The captain said that he thought that orders were coming through for us to take another train ride to a new camp. I sort of hope we do get out of here, because nobody knows what the heck is coming off around here and it's really a mess. He said to be ready to leave any day so we are just waiting around.
We are living in barracks that are made of tarpaper and all they have is a couple of old coal stoves. I don't want think I would enjoy spending the winter in this hole. I have seen a couple of good shows and we get to play ball quite a bit. I know quite a few fellows here and have quite a bit of fun with them.
If you haven't sent that box yet, you had better keep it until I know for sure what will happen. I received two letters from Dottie today and really enjoyed them. She is suck a darn sweet kid and I do love her so much. She is so darn swell and helps out so much. I am sure you will like her as everybody that meets her is her friend. I wish more than anything that I could call her my own.
How is Lois getting along in school about now? Has she settled down any since I left? How about Jack? Does he still come out very often and how does he like the Navy by now? I'm sort of glad I didn't join the Navy now.
I can't think of anything else to say so I had better close. Write and tell me all the dirt and I'll write again soon.
All my love,
Prov. Det.
20th Armored Division
Camp Campbell, Ky.
Dear Folks,
This is the start of a new week and it finds me well and happy and hoping you are all the same. I haven't received a letter as yet, but should get one in a couple of days, I hope.
We are still messing around doing guard duty and details and hope something happens pretty soon. Out division is out in the field so we are not assigned as yet. The captain said that he thought that orders were coming through for us to take another train ride to a new camp. I sort of hope we do get out of here, because nobody knows what the heck is coming off around here and it's really a mess. He said to be ready to leave any day so we are just waiting around.
We are living in barracks that are made of tarpaper and all they have is a couple of old coal stoves. I don't want think I would enjoy spending the winter in this hole. I have seen a couple of good shows and we get to play ball quite a bit. I know quite a few fellows here and have quite a bit of fun with them.
If you haven't sent that box yet, you had better keep it until I know for sure what will happen. I received two letters from Dottie today and really enjoyed them. She is suck a darn sweet kid and I do love her so much. She is so darn swell and helps out so much. I am sure you will like her as everybody that meets her is her friend. I wish more than anything that I could call her my own.
How is Lois getting along in school about now? Has she settled down any since I left? How about Jack? Does he still come out very often and how does he like the Navy by now? I'm sort of glad I didn't join the Navy now.
I can't think of anything else to say so I had better close. Write and tell me all the dirt and I'll write again soon.
All my love,
* * *
(undated, likely the fall of 1944)
Dear Folks,
Just a line to let you know I am O.K. and am feeling fine. I have been in England and am now someplace in France, I haven’t had much of a chance to see very much but hope to soon. It’s a lot of fun trying to talk to these people because they don’t understand English and you know I don’t know much of their language. I’m learning it little by little and find it interesting.
I’m sorry I could not write sooner and let you know what’s cooking but we have really been busy and don’t get much of a chance. Most of the fellows I were with are still here except Miner. I sure wish I was with him, as we have a lot of fun together. The weather here is nothing like California, but I’m making out O.K. Please try not to worry as I’m O.K. and things are a lot better than I thought they would be. Tell everybody hello for me and tell Alice to go to hell. I’ll write every chance I get, but don’t expect too much. There isn’t anything else I can say so I had better close for now. Tell Joyce hello for me and kiss the baby a couple of times for me.
Lots of love, Glen
* * *
3 Dec 1944
HQ Co. 745th Tank Battalion
Dear Folks,
Just a note this morning to let you know I’m feeling swell and everything O.K. I met Miner again and two other fellows I knew before. We are all together and have a lot of fun. I was in Belgium and am now somewhere in Germany. I have met a lot of swell fellows and really like this set up better than any yet. I haven’t received any more letters, but should start getting a few pretty soon. I got to go to Napoleon’s chateau out side Paris and it was really pretty. They didn’t wreck it so most of the place was open so we could see it. They have a lot of monuments and things of very famous people and it was really worth seeing. I have to write on this until I can get a hold of some more stationary.
How about sending me a little as it is really hard to get here. We are attached to the 1st division of the 1st Army and it’s really a swell outfit. I received a swell letter from Donna and she seems pretty happy. I will write as soon as possible and send her that picture. I hope Quinn got to go to Lexington as it will be pretty close to Dottie. How would you guys like to come east for the wedding? Are you still writing to her? We didn’t make very many plans so it’s a lot of fun trying to figure out just what will happen. Well tell everybody hello for me and take care of yourselves.
Lots of love,
* * *
December 11, 1944
HQ Company, 745th Tank Battalion
Dear Mom,
Just a line this morning to let you know I am still O.K. and happy. We have had a little snow and it is rather chilly around here. I am wearing so many clothes that I can hardly move. We are living in a house with a German family and they are very nice people. They have 13 kids, but we still have enough room.
Miner is still with me and we have quite a bit of fun. I haven’t received mail as yet and am really looking forward to some. How about fixing me up some cookies cake or candy. I would love a jar of olives if you can find some. I could use a good wool scarf and leather gloves. I hate to ask for all this stuff but we can’t get it here and you can send any of it you can get hold of.
We have a lot of fun trying to talk to these kids here. They are pretty cute and seem to like us quite a bit. Tell Lois to send some of the basketball clippings this year. Tell everybody hello for me and be good.
Lots of love,
* * *
January 5, 1945
HQ Co. 745th Tank Battalion
(no location listed)
Dear Folks,
Just a line this evening to let you know that all is well at this end and hope you are all OK. It is a little cold here, but I guess I will get through it OK. We get to hear quite a few radio programs and that helps out quite a bit. We just finished hearing Bob Hope’s program and he is really good.
The letters are coming through pretty good now and I sure enjoyed them. Dottie said she received a sweet letter from you and was so thrilled about it. I guess she thinks quite a bit of me. She is the sweetest thing in the world and I guess I’ll tie up the deal as soon as I return.
I have met quite a few of the fellows I knew in the states and really enjoy talking of old times. Received a nice card from Aunt Velma the other day and was pretty surprised to get it. I guess Leon has graduated by now. He has really got a good deal.
I received your very shocking letter Lois and will answer it as soon as I get a chance.
Tell everybody hello for me and keep up the good work.
Lots of love,
* * *
January 20, 1945
HQ Co. 745th Tank Battalion
Dear Folks,
Another line this morning to let you know that I am still well and am getting along swell. I have met a lot of new fellows and they are really swell.
Miner is with me again and we are really enjoying each other. We have so many things to talk about. It sure brings back memories. It's still snowing and is pretty damn cold here. We are still living in a house and have good chow. I can't understand the mail situation as I have been writing every few days. Dottie is having about the same trouble as you and that is pretty rough. No packages yet and no letter for the last week or so. One of these days all this mess will end and so until then I guess we will just have to sweat it out.
Tell everybody hello for me and keep the home fires burning. If you haven't sent Dottie's birthdate yet please find out and let me know. I think it's in June sometime.
Bye for now.
Lots of love,
* * *
24 January 1945
HQ. Co. 745th Tank Battalion
Dear Folks,
Just a line this evening to let you know that I’m still well and as happy as possible. Miner and I are together and it helps out quite a bit to be able to talk to him about the good times we had together back in the good old U.S.A. How is everything going in San Diego by now? Do you think there will be room somewhere in town for a couple of newlyweds pretty soon? If not you guys better get hold of that trailer you were talking about because after this mess is over I’m losing no time.
The sun came out today and it was very nice. It reminded me a little of Chino, but the country is not as flat. We are still getting more snow and I guess it will be quite a winter before it is over. Well, I haven’t had any mail to answer for quite some time so haven’t much to day. Be good and tell everybody hello for me.
Excuse the mess this time and I’ll try to do better after this.
Lots of love,
* * *
28 January,1945
HQ. Co. 745th Tank Battalion
Dear Folks,
Just a line to let you know that I am well and happy. We are still getting snow, but the last few days were very nice. I went to church this morning and it was very nice. I’m getting plenty of food and drink. I am putting on a little weight. I hope so. After waiting for two weeks I finally received a letter from Dottie. I don’t know just what happens to my mail as I don’t seem to be getting very much of it. She said that an awful lot of letters had been returned to her, so I hope the same thing isn’t happening to your mail. I sure will be happy when we don’t have to worry about mail. That will really be the day. It looks like this thing is coming along pretty good so I hope it won’t be too long before this mess is over. Let me know how the Eks and Larry are getting along and where they are now. I ran into a fellow I came over with the other day and was really glad to see him. I hope I will run into some of the boys from home as I sure would like to see them. Tell everybody hello and keep the home fires burning.
Lots of love,
* * *
11 February, 1945
B Company, 745th Tank Battalion
Dear Folks,
Just a line this Sunday afternoon to let you know I am still well and feeling fine. I went to church this morning and we had a very nice service. At noon we had a big chicken dinner and I really enjoyed it. We are living out in the woods again but it is not too bad. We have a stove fixed up in our shack and a tarp that keeps out most of the rain. I received a letter from Aunt Essie yesterday and it was very nice. I will be glad to get back and eat one of her delicious dinners. She really goes in for fancy dinners and I could just about stand for one of them. Say Dad, how are your rabbits coming along by now? I’ll bet you have some nice fryers about now. If you have any left by the time I get back we will really have a feed, huh? Tell everybody hello for me and keep up the good work on those letters. I don’t have much time to write, but will do the best I can. Those newspaper clippings are really O.K. Bye for now.
Lots of love,
* * *
23 February, 1945
B Company, 745th Tank Battalion
Dear Folks,
I just have time enough right now to write a line and let you know I received two more Christmas packages. I wrote a letter yesterday and received the packages last night. The bracelet was really super. I was hoping I would get one, but not quite as nice as that. Everything came through swell except the cake. It was molded so bad we couldn’t eat it. The cookies and fudge was delicious and the scarf will really come in handy. I’m having my Christmas a little late this year, but hope that I will be able to spend my next one at home. I also received your Valentine, Lois and the swell letter from you, Dad. I seen another show today and heard a band concert so things are pretty good about now. Be good and take care of yourselves. Tell everybody hello for me and please don’t worry.
Lots of love,
* * *
1 March, 1945
B Company, 745th Tank Battalion
Dear Folks,
A line this evening to let you know that I am feeling swell and in the best of health. We have been having pretty good weather lately and I believe spring is not so very far off. It is just a year ago today that I first got a taste of army life. If I knew then what I know now –oh brother! I received a card from Lorraine, uncle Ken and Birdie. I also received your swell letter Dad. It seems that the Bombers aren’t doing so good this year. Do you go to many of the games now? I sure wish I was there to at least see them. What kind of a team do you think the Padres will have this year? It’s about time they made a showing, don’t you think? The mail is coming through pretty good lately so I haven’t much to write about. Tell everybody hello and keep up the letters. They are really swell and help a lot. Will write again soon.
Lots of love,
* * *
13 March, 1945
B Company, 745th Tank Battalion
Dear Folks,
Just a line this afternoon to let you know that I am well and as happy as possible. Received a letter and package from Donna last night and was both happy and surprised. I am sure glad they have finally got a break and hope everything turns out O.K. for them. I also received two of your very welcome letters. We are now in a pretty nice building and are making out well. The chow is good and we have been having quite a bit of fun lately. I sent you a box of stuff that I picked up over here and sure hope it gets there O.K. There are some pretty interesting things in it so take care of it for me. The weather is a little better now so please don’t worry about me keeping warm. Hey Lois! You better keep an eye out for sailors, or do I have to tell you? Will close for now so be good and tell everybody hello for me.
Lots of love,
* * *
20 March, 1945
B Company, 745th Tank Battalion
Dear Folks,
Just a line this morning to let you know that I am well and am getting along pretty good. The weather has improved quite a bit so that really helps. I received two of your letters and was sure happy to hear everything is O.K. at home. I guess Sherry is pretty cute now. I sure wish I could see her. I really enjoy the clippings that you send. Keep up the good work. I received a very nice letter from Donna Hughes the other day. She is really a swell kid. I will try and answer her letter as soon as I get a little time. Why would Joyce think I would not want a picture of Lyla? Put her straight will ya? Better close for now so be good and tell everybody hello for me.
Lots of love,
* * *
28 March, 1945
B Company, 745th Tank Battalion (field hospital)
Dear Folks,
Just a line this evening to let you know that I am OK. I stepped the right way at the wrong time I guess the other night as a piece of shrapnel caught me in the hip. No broken bones, just a damn good rest. Everybody treats you swell and it’s a pretty nice place. There sure are a lot of pretty nurses here. (Don’t tell Dottie or she will have cats). I received a few back letters the other day. They were written while you were on your trip. I had better close for now and get some more sleep so take it easy and don’t worry about me.
Lots of love,
* * *
3 April, 1945
B Company, 745th Tank Battalion (field hospital)
Dear Folks,
Another line today to let you know I feel much better and am getting along swell. Everybody treats me so good and I am really getting a good rest. The Red Cross girl comes up every day and tells us the news and gets us anything we want such as candy, gum, magazines, etc. they even gave us a couple of cokes since we have been here. How about that stuff? How’s everything getting along down there now? After reading those newspaper articles you sent, I imagine S.D. is pretty busy right about now. I hope it won’t be very long until I can again be back in the “sunny south”. Try not to worry about me as everything is really O.K. Let me know if you got the box I sent. Tell everybody hello for me and take care of yourselves.
Lots of love,
* * *
24 April, 1945
England (hospital)
Dear Folks,
Just a line to let you know I’m O.K. and feeling a little better. I moved around quite a bit since I last wrote. I’d get to one place and get to feeling pretty good and they would come along and move me somewhere else. Well I am now, guess where? England. I even got a plane ride out of the deal. Not bad huh? We have a pretty nice set up here and I don’t mind it so bad. I sure miss my mail as it hasn’t caught up with me as yet. I have met a lot of new friends and I sure enjoy them. Everybody is really swell to me and I’m getting just about everything I need. Tell Dottie not to worry and that goes for you all too. I’ll try and write again soon so take it easy and tell everyone hello.
Lots of love,
* * *
7 May, 1945
England (hospital)
Dear Folks,
Here I am writing a note to let you know that I’m O.K. and feeling pretty good. I’m still in bed so it’s pretty awkward to write. I hope you will be able to make this out but doubt it. We have been having a lot of funny weather lately, but I guess that’s England for you. Huh Dad? I just heard the news about Germany giving up. It sure sounded good to me. We have a radio in the ward so get all the latest dope on the situation plus music and a lot of good programs. Tell Dottie not to worry and I’ll try to write as soon as possible. Tell me everything about home when you write and tell everybody hello for me. I can’t find anything else to say except please don’t worry about me.
Lots of love,
* * *
22 May, 1945
England (hospital)
Dear Folks,
Another line to let you know I am feeling O.K. and am getting everything I need. I’m in a different hospital now and it’s a lot better than the other one was. The other one was right next to the city of Chester. I am getting the best of care and should be seeing you all pretty soon. I sure am counting the seconds. The mail has really started to come in now and boy I really enjoy it. Well, I found out one thing. Laying in bed is O.K., but when you have to live in it – brother that’s another story. Be sure and write to Dottie and tell her I’m O.K. Better sign off for now so be good and please don’t worry about me. Tell all hello.
Lots of love,