Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Pvt. Dorel L. Earley: Letters home: February to August 1943

Aug. 16, 43
Monday Eve.

Dear Folks;

Just a line to let you know that I am still here and more disgusted than ever. They are still giving us a big runaround. Everyone is so disgusted here that we are all ready to go over the hill.

We have been restricted to the Co. Area for the past three weeks, and has been very monotonous. We are still asking the Lord for all small favors he might grant. Enough bitching for this letter.

It has been very hot here the past month, and the heat has really taken the sap out of us. We have to take 6 salt tablets a day. We have had a couple of short shower storms here in the last two weeks, but it dries as soon as it stops raining.

I hope we are are sent to a place cooler than it is here. My hopes of going to California is shot now. Maybe the place I land will be surprising, but do not be surprised of anything. Do not worry about anything. I will be alright.

I sure hope that you are feeling better by now Mom and on your feet. Don’t overdo things for awhile yet as it may develop complications.

Mom in your next letter let me know if you are able to get me a flat iron? I sure wish I had one, and I may need one at the next place. Let me know.

Please don’t worry about me, and write often.

Lots of love,


Please send me a registered letter with $100 in it if you can spare it. We will not be paid until October the 1st and I am pretty near broke now. Send the next letter to this address:
Pvt. D.L Earley
A.S.N. 39279514
A.P.O. 7830 c/o Postmaster
New York, New York

*    *    *

Aug. 17, 43

Dear Folks,

Just a hurried line this afternoon to ask another favor. Hope you are all feeling O.K.

This favor that I want to ask is this. Would you please get me a set of recommendations from 3 people. Maybe one from Hubbards for character, one from Dave Truesedell for character, one from church, or anyone that may give me a fair recommendation.

The reason. If I am able to get these I may be able to get into the Air Corp. You may not think this is a very wise idea, but it is what I want. I figure there will be more chance of advancement there than here. Even if there were no advancement there, I would be learning something that may do me some good after I get out of the Army.

If you could possibly do this for me please do it as soon as possible. If not let me know right back by Air Mail. This is very important to me,

Hope you are all feeling O.K. I will be waiting.



P.S. Please send the letters back to the new address. In case you didn’t receive the new address here it is again.

Pvt. Me
A.S.N. 39219514
A.P.O. 7130 c/o Postmaster
New York, New York

*    *    *

Aug. 9, 43

Dear Folks,

Just a line to let you know everything is alright. I want to apologize for yesterday’s letter. I was really mad, but a night’s sleep has cured me of that.

We were to be shipped out yesterday, but they postponed it. The weather is so hot here it is pretty near unbearable. We lay around the barracks in our shorts, and nearly sweat to death. We are really anxious to leave here in hopes of going to a place where it isn’t quite so hot.

I got your letter the other day and was really glad to hear from you. Hope soon you will all be feeling alright again. I guess the operation was pretty tough on Dad too. I wish that you would forget about going back to work Mom. It really isn’t too necessary is it?

I received a swell letter from Donna last night. It don’t sound like they are doing too well, but maybe when they take over this store she mentioned, maybe things will be a lot better. I hope so anyway.

Please apologize to Essie, Ken, Ruby and all them for my not writing. Tell them that I just don’t have anything to write about that would be interesting for them to read. There is just a few happenings around here and I’m sure they would not be interested. Will you tell them, thanks.

I am sorry I won’t be able to send the $10 this month as certain things have came up like a couple of new books, some alterations on my clothes and stuff. I will have to squeeze pretty tight to make out till payday. Maybe I can send it next month. I can’t find out anything about the bonds as yet, but I am still working on it.

Well I will sign off now as I want to write Donna. Please write as my letters will follow me.



*    *    *

Aug. 8, 43

Dear Folks;

Surprised to hear from me? Especially from this place huh!

Well I am still here and it looks like I will be here for a few more days. This rotten place is really getting me down. First you’re going to leave today and then they postpone it. I am really getting sick of this. I wish they would hurry up and get us out of this place.

I received you letter the other day, but am too mad to think of anything to write now. I just wanted to let you know where I am, so you wouldn’t worry about me.



P.S. Letter later. 

*    *    *

July 29, 43

Dear Folks;

Just a short line to let you know I am leaving this place. I will be gone from here probably by the time you receive this letter.

We are going to be shipped quite a ways from here, so they say, but but I don’t think it will be a boat ride. I’m hoping it’s Calif, but I suppose that would be too much to hope for.

I received your letter today, and was really glad to hear from you. This place is beginning to drive me crazy.

Please be careful Mom and take it easy.



*    *    *

July 27, 43

Dear Folks;

A hot afternoon here a little time off I have decided to write you a letter.

How is everything at home? Hope you are feeling a lot better by now, Mom. I have been thinking a lot about you, and hoping you do not have to lay in bed much longer. Hope the summer weather is not making you too uncomfortable.

I received Glen’s letter the other day and was sure glad to hear he had such a swell time in Utah. I will write him a long letter as soon as I get a little time. Will Glen have to go in the Air Corp when he is 18 or does he have to sign some more papers? Let’s hope that he doesn’t have to go at all. Things are looking better all along, so let’s hope.

We have been having a little bit better time now. A couple of weeks ago we found a river we could go swimming in, so we have been there quite a bit of our spare time. Last Sunday we were over there, and all got a nice sun burn.

Write soon and let me know all the dirt.



*    *    *

July 18, 43

Dear Folks;

Sunday morning. Just a line to let you know everything is O.K. here and hope the same is with you.

How’s my mom making out? I sure am hoping you are feeling better. It sure is a heck of a note being laid up especially in the summer when you could be enjoying the weather so much. After this is all over through everything will probably be a little better. I sure hope so.

We have been having a little bit better time here. Last Friday nite we went on a boat excursion. We really had a swell time. They had an old steam boat, big paddle boat or whatever you want to call it. Anyway it was really an old timer. They had a band on board so we had a good time dancing. The thing we liked best about it was the fact that it was cool.

The heat here is getting unbearable. We have to take several salt pills a day to keep us going. We have been working in tanks ever since I came back, so with the heat and dust it’s quite a mess.

Hope you got that money from the bonds O.K. I won’t be able to send you the ten till the 1st, as we were not paid in full here last month on account of our transfer.

Write soon.



*    *    *

July 9, 43

Dear Folks;

Received your letters and was sure glad to hear from you. I hope by the time you get this letter you will be O.K. I was sure glad to hear you are getting along O.K. I sure have been thinking a lot about you . I sure hope you come out for the best with the operation. I sure wish I could be there to see you. I’m praying for you every nite. I went to Church last Sunday and really enjoyed it. I think I will be able to make it this Sunday too.

We went out last Mon. morning and stayed until tonight. We lived on canned rations and chocolate bars. It made us kind of hungry, but we have a good meal in us now and we feel much better. We don’t know what the score is around here at all. Everyone has a different idea of what is going to happen to us.

There is nothing to write about so I guess I better close.



*    *    *

Camp Campbell, Ky.
June 30, 1943

Dear Folks;

Just a line this evening to let you know I arrived safely Got here Tue. at 1:30 p.m.

There was plenty of room on the train till we got to Ft. Worth, Texas after that it was really crowded. I stood up about 600 miles.

Mom, I sure hope by now you are feeling alright + the operation was O.K. I sure hope that you recover real quick. Now that you have nothing to do you can write me a couple of letters.

It don’t look like we’re going to do much of anything till we leave this camp so maybe we well be gone from here pretty soon, I hope.

This is all I can think of to write now so answer real soon.



Pvt. D.L. Earley
A.S.N. 39279514
HQ. Co. 9th A.R. 20th A.D.
Camp Campbell, Ky.

U.S. Army A.P.O. 444

*    *    *

June 2, 43
Ft. Knox, Ky.

Dear Folks;

I bet you think I have forgot all about you. Well I haven’t had a chance to write until today. We were away from camp for quite awhile and just now got in. We have found out that we are shipping in a few days, but don’t have any idea where. I will probably not be able to write until we are at our new station so do not worry about me at all. I have not received any letters from you as yet. Let me know what’s going on.

They are keeping 8 fellows out of the Co. The rest are all shipping.

I can’t say what we have been doing, but it was pretty rough. Already we have had 15 weeks of basic training + don’t know what they are doing it for? I hope that our new camp is not too far from home.

Hope everything is alright at home. Let me hear from you real soon.



P.S. I got a letter from Lois the other day, and will write her as soon as I get the chance.

*    *    *

May 16, 43
Armored Force Replacement Training Center
Ft. Knox, Kentucky

Dear Folks;

Just a line this Sunday to say hello, and hoping everything is O.K. with all of you. It is an awful dreary day and I’m thinking of all of you and wishing I could be walking in on you guys today.

We have just finished our 12 weeks of training + as they have added 1 extra week on it that leaves 2 to go. We are going to get an extra week for battle training. We go on a 2.5 mile road march Tue., with full fieldpack 42 lbs, gas mask, canteen, etc. It is supposed to be a forced road march. That means we stop one time to eat.

We had a tough inspection yesterday. The Colonel + his staff of stooges came through the barracks + really gave us the once over. No the Co. didn’t pass so we are all restricted for the rest of the time we are here. When that old boy inspects things really have to be on the ball. After that was over yesterday we had to go out to the firing range and bring in the tanks. I drove for 1 hr + 10 min., really got a big kick out of it.

Write soon and let me know all the dirt.



*    *    *

May 14, 43
Armored Force Replacement Training Center
Ft. Knox, Kentucky

Dear Folks;

Just a line this evening to let you know everything is O.K.

I reason I haven’t wrote is because I have been cramped for time. These are our last 2 weeks and we’re pretty busy. We are not even in camp most of the time. Last week we slept in the barracks 2 nights. The other times we were either out on the driving range or firing range. We have completed our tank driving. It is really simple once you get onto it. We have fired quite a few guns.

The next week we get some pretty stiff training on combat tactics. It really is good stuff to learn. You can never tell when you are going to be in actual combat.

The news really looks good so far. I hope they start something in Europe pretty soon. I’m getting pretty sick of this D. Army.

How’s chances of getting the low down on what you have received from the Army, such as bonds, insurance papers and etc. I think I will have them cancel my bonds as it is too hard on the pocket book.

Well be good and I’ll write you again soon.



*    *    *

May 3, 43
Armored Force Replacement Training Center
Ft. Knox, Kentucky

Dear Folks;

Just a line this evening to say hello.

I am charge of quarters again and do not have much to do.

The weather has turned out to be very nice here lately. The sun has shined steady for almost three days straight now which is something very peculiar for Ky. They have a saying here that goes like this. If you don’t like Ky. weather wait 15 minutes and it will change.

I have found out almost for positive that I will ship out of Ft. Knox. They are only going to keep 3 fellows from our Co. I guess I don’t have that stuff it takes to make a good officer. Oh well I didn’t really expect to make it. I’m glad also to get away from Ft. Knox. Now if I can only be fortunate enough to get shipped somewhere in the West it will really be O.K.

You asked if we have any stores or anything here. We have a P.X., or store to you, a couple of blocks away where you can buy ice cream and stuff like that. They also have a show here for 15 cents. A Service Club where you can buy sandwiches and stuff like that. Everything is so crowded here though that it is hard to get anything.

Take it easy for now.



*    *    *

May 2, 43
Armored Force Replacement Training Center
Ft. Knox, Kentucky

Dear Folks;

Received you letter the other day, and was really glad to hear from you. A letter from someone is about all you have to look forward to around here.

Hope everything is going alright at home and everyone is feeling good.

I spent an afternoon at the dentist’s the other day and my teeth put in good shape. All finished with them. The dentists are really first class men. The best dentist I have ever had the misfortune to work on my teeth. They filled six and cleaned them real good. That was all I had to have done.

I have finished with all my shots till I am shipped across, which will be never I hope.

Your mention of the wool socks sounds O.K. To my notion they really save your feet. Maybe some handkerchiefs with them, huh? Those colored ones I left there will really come in handy.

Tell Glen to send the 3 bucks along. Every little bit will come in handy these times.

Hope Glen likes his work and will make out in it O.K.

Received a letter from Donna the other day and she was telling me about the big plan.
Our Co. is really doing alright. Since we have been here we have broken 2 Center records with the 30 cal. Mach. gun. We are getting a few breaks from our Co. Commander on account of this.

Well close for now so write real soon.



*    *    *

April 28, 43
Armored Force Replacement Training Center
Ft. Knox, Ky.

Dear Folks;

Plenty of time this evening so I am dropping you a letter. Everything is going alright here except the weather. It has been funny here for the last couple of weeks. The sun shines half the day and then the rain + wind blows for the rest of the day.

The training is kind of easing off a little now and is O.K. We have been firing a little of every kind of gun. Supposed to be experts on the weapons I guess. It is O.K. to know about these guns when a feller gets across it will come in handy to know. I don’t know what is going to happen to us boys here after basic training. I think I am going to have to stay here at Ft. Knox as cadre. I will probably be an instructor on the weapons team. If I don’t stay here I will probably go to hell knows where. If I do stay here as cadre I may get a chance at O.C.S. later on as that is why they keep you here to see if you show the qualities of a good officer if I should, but I doubt it, they would send me to school for another 13 weeks, and then would come out of that school a second lieutenant.

Enough of that crap. How is everything in Diego. I would sure like to be there for a couple of days just to see the old place again. Whoever I heard say it was pretty in Kentucky was a damn liar. About all they have here is dirty brick houses, swamp land, and dead trees. They don’t raise any kind of produce here at all.

I got your package the other day and really appreciated receiving it. Everything was really swell. Thanks a lot.

Well we had a nice week-end, but was awful sorry we had to come back.

Hope to hear from you soon.



*    *    *

April 25, 43
Lexington, Ky.

Dear Folks;

Just a line this Sunday evening to wish you a happy Easter.

We are on a 3 day pass and don’t have to return till Monday nite. We were going to Ohio, but decided to come up here instead. It wasn’t quite as far, so we thought we would have more time to lay around. That is just exactly what we have been doing. It sure seems good to get away from the Army routine. We rented a hotel room + have just been looking around. We planned on going to church this morning, but overslept.

Will drop you a line later this week.



*    *    *

April 18, 43
Ft. Knox, Ky.

Dear Folks;

Just a line this Sunday morning to let you know everything is okay. The weather has been kind of wet this past week. Rained most of the week. A lot of mud.

We have been on bivouac the past week. That is we have been out in the hills camping. We spent all week out there driving tanks, it was plenty rough, but I think everyone came out of it O.K. I don’t know whether we are going again this week, but wither way we do it is hard work.

We get a three day pass next week-end, and we are planning on going to Cincinnati Ohio to spend it. I wish I was closer to home so I could come home, but there is no chance. I hope the weather is good for the week-end. We have been crowded for time the past 2 weeks. I have had a little package for Lois, but whenever I can go mail it the post office is closed. I’m still hoping. I’ll get it mailed next week-end if not before.

The mention of a package is a very good idea. It takes a week for a package to get here, 3 days for an Air Mail, 5 days for regular postage. I have a wall locker where I can keep most anything. You need not worry about me keeping it, it doesn’t last long enough to worry about. If one of the boys receives a package from home it doesn’t last him very long, everybody gets a little piece and it’s gone.

It is very hard for me to find anything to write about. Haven’t been going anyplace doing anything.

The Fort here is very big it is 50 sg. miles and the 2nd biggest Army post in the U.S.

I found tanks very interesting, but I wouldn’t care to go to battle in one. There is hardly no chance of getting out alive. Only a few fellows here will go to battle with tanks + I hope I am not one of them. The tank is simple to drive and a lot of fun.

Well I will sign off now. Write soon and love to all.



*    *    *

April 4, 43
Armored Force
Ft. Knox, Ky.

Dear Folks;

Here it is Sunday again another week gone by. This makes the end of the sixth week. I notice in your last letter you said it was the end of my fourth. Where did you get behind?

Tom and myself went into Louisville yesterday afternoon + evening and had a pretty good time. Louisville is very crowded worse than San Diego ever thought of being. It is a town a little bit larger than S.D. but I never before in my life seen so much dirt + filth as I seen in there. There were thousands of soldiers there all trying to do something and nobody able to do anything. We left town kind of early last nite and were back in camp by 1:00 a.m. It is 30 miles away and kind of hard to get a bus on account of the big waiting lines. It took us about 2 hrs to get back last night.

The weekend is rainy, but still warm. I sure hope the warm weather keeps up. I have had about enough cold weather for the rest of my life.

We are now finished up with most of our tedious training. The rest of it will be a lot more interesting. We start on tank driving tomorrow + spend several weeks on that.

Will be expecting a letter from you soon.



*    *    *

April 2, 43
Armored Force
Ft. Knox, Ky.

Dear Folks;

Just a line this P.M. to let you know I am thinking of you and hope you are all over your colds by now.

I received your letter a day or so ago and was sure glad to hear from you. You have sure been writing regular and I want you to know I appreciate it. I don’t care how busy a fellow can be he always has a little time to think about home. Not that I am home-sick, but it would be a nice place to be. Ha ha.

Well so far so good. I have made the rank of Lance Corporal. Full authority of a Corporal, but with Pvt’s pay. There were several of the fellows in the Co. made it. 2 or 3 made sergeants ratings. The kid I am running around with from El Centro made sergeant.

I have been on duty the last 24 hrs as charge of quarters. All White Patchmen have to take their turn at it. I had to see that the Co. fell out on time, take charge of the orderly room, etc. It is kind of monotonous, but good experience.

Lois, I have a package for you, but have no time to get to the P.O. Be patient and it will be there one of these days.

Write soon.



P.S. Received the hangars from Lyle O.K.

*    *    *

March 28, 43
Armored Force
Ft. Knox, Ky.

Dear Folks;

Just a line this Sunday. The weather has turned out to be fine here it is warming up and is just like spring. I guess we came here at just the right time of the year. We will do most of our training during the spring and miss the hottest part of the summer. We finish our basic training on May the 22, but I don’t think I will leave here. If I make good I will probably be here for the rest of the year anyway. I will have to be some kind of an instructor for awhile till they think I have had enough experience. I probably will never make officers school but it will help me to get non-commissioned rate.

I’m sorry I can’t tell you anymore about my training. It is all restricted information and they told us not to write home about it. I can’t take the chance of telling you anything about it, because if I did and they should open it it would mess me up.

I am sure glad you don’t have to have that operation now. Chances are you won’t have to have it.

I really like to hear from you Dad. Tell me about your chickens + rabbits and stuff. Also how is your car, tires + all. I really think that Ins. is a bad investment. I thought your would put the rest of that money on the furniture, but you may suit yourself.

Lois I plan on sending you a package for your birthday, but it will be late on account of it being so hard to get to the P.O.

Will close for now write soon.



*    *    *

March 23, 43
Armored Force Replacement Training Center
Ft. Knox, Ky.

Dear Folks;

Just a line this P.M. to let you know I received your letter + package of cookies they sure was swell. I could have ate 100 lbs more and never batted an eye. Thanks a lot.

I am really feeling swell. I have an appetite like a horse + eat like one. The one thing I am missing out on in the Army is R.P. I don’t get on account of being a White Patchman. I have had it one time and that was at Ft. MacArthur when I was there. Pretty lucky huh?

I am gaining weight, but I don’t know how much as I haven’t weighed myself yet. The pace they set don’t bother us anymore. We are getting pretty tough. To give you some idea of how much we move around, I have half soles on one pair of my Army shoes + the other pair is pretty well worn. Quite a bit of marching eh.

I have less time to write letters + stuff like that. They pretty well take up our time.

I am not saying I like the Army any too well, but I have never felt better in my life. These regular hours really make a guy feel good. I am not smoking but very few cigarettes + will probably quit.

Well I can’t think of anything else to write so will close. I will be expecting a letter.



P.S. Here’s Glen clipping. 

*    *    *

March 14, 43
Armored Force Replacement Training Center
Ft. Knox, Ky.

Dear Folks;

Just a line this Sunday morning to let you know that everything is going O.K.

The weather has changed for the better here. I really think Spring has come. The sun has been shining for the last 3 days. It is the first time we have seen the sun since we got here. I hope it continues to be nice weather.

We are thru with our 3rd week of basic training. We ended our 3rd week yesterday with a 3 hour road march. I didn’t mind it a bit. It will surprise you to hear that in this 3 weeks of training they have really toughened us up. The training is getting tougher all the time but you don’t notice it half as much. I am going to school 3 + 4 nites a week, and will continue to do so as long as I am a white patchman. They want us to learn everything that we can outside of our training. If I should get a chance to go to officers school I will need to know all I can learn.

Fred will probably be by the house to pick up those records that are in my drawer. I wrote to him and told him I would tell you to let him have them.

I am chumming around with a fellow from El Centro. He is a swell fellow, just the kind to keep me in line. We have been free to leave the post on week-ends, but we have decided to stay in camp for the rest of our basic. We have plenty of entertainment here on the post. Yesterday afternoon we went to a service club + had a swell dinner, saw a nice floor show, and last night we went to the show and saw “Something To Shout About.” After that we went back over to the club + and had a snack + and went home to bed. We got in about 12:00 p.m. This morning we got up around 9:00 a.m. and went over to the club for breakfast. We could eat in the mess hall, but we like good food once in a while. The Army has good food but they cook it + ruin it. Tom just went to Church (Catholic) at 10:30 a.m. I have not been able to locate a L.D.S. Chaplain here yet, but I promise to go to church as soon as I locate him.

I wrote Joyce + Lyle a couple of weeks ago, but in your letter you didn’t talk like they had heard from me. I asked them to have you send me some wooden clothes hangars. I need at least 6 pants hangars + 4 or 5 coat hangars. It is impossible to get them here at all. I really need them bad!

Here is something to remember. If ever there is a need for me to come home in a hurry, do not write or telegram the word to me. Call the Red Cross there. They will check up + if it is a reason for an emergency furlough they will send a wire to my Company Commander + he will send me right then. If you send word to me first I would have to get word back from there Red Cross there before I could leave here. This may all sound silly, but our Company Commander asked us to write the information home. We can get an immediate furlough in case of serious illness in our immediate family.

We got paid day before yesterday, and believe it or not I had not spent the $20 I first came in the Army with had $4 left besides the $10 money order + $3.00 check. Not bad eh? I have signed up for a bond a month and they will be mailed to you. I don’t know how long it will take them to get there.

I am still waiting for a letter from Lois + Glen. I better hear pretty soon! Pardon me for turning this into a book. Will be waiting for a letter.



*    *    *

March 6, 43
Armored Force Replacement Training Center
Ft. Knox, Ky.

Dear Folks;

Just a line this Saturday nite to let you know I am all right, and still alive, though in poor shape. I have got over some of my stiffness but as quick as you get rid of one you get another, but they tell me that’s the Army. I had a couple of more shots today but I’m getting used to them don’t even bother me anymore. Take ‘em just like a man Dad. I only have about 3 more to go.

We have been studying map reading, and range calculations. It is very interesting and educational. We studied the 45 caliber pistol, and went out and fired it yesterday. I made a pretty fair score. After I fired I was a coach helping the others get a good score.

They are giving us our training and a lot of it but they figure on giving us a working knowledge of everything and when we leave here for our regular camp we will be able to learn a lot faster.

The weather cleared up for a couple of days but it is snowing again tonight so I imagine it will be kind of cold tomorrow.

We are off till Monday morning, and don’t have to get up in the morning till we want to. Most of the fellows went to Louisville for the weekend. I am glad I didn’t go on account of the weather I would of probably caught cold again. I am finally taking your advice, Mom, and eating plenty of fruit. I think it is helping me.

We get plenty to eat here all the time. It isn’t the best cooked food in the world, but it sure is filling and plenty of the right vitamins. I even eat a grapefruit every morning!

We have to keep our barracks scrubbed clean all the time, keep our shoes shined, windows washed, clothes neat and everything in its proper place. It keeps us hoppin’, but but I bet it will train me to keep my clothes hung up when I get home. If it don’t the Army is wasting its time on me.

Well you guys all be sure and write, take turns, one each day. I really want to hear what’s going on.

Bye for now,



*    *    *

March 2, 43
Armored Force Replacement Training Center
Ft. Knox, Ky.

Dear Folks;

Received your letter + the razor. Can’t use the chain, but the knife is really swell. The blades were very much appreciated. The cash will come in very handy as we don’t get paid till April 1st.

I went to the hospital a couple of days after I wrote the last letter, and just got out a few days ago. They sent me over because I got a cold, and the Army really takes care of you. They kept me there till I was completely rid of it. It was a nice rest. I am back to work now, and it’s a pretty tough situation right now. Hard work, but you always told me hard work never hurt any one, hope you’re right.

You ask how the weather is here. Well let me tell you, this weather is the coldest, the most miserable, the lousiest weather in the world. It will rain one minutes, blow dust in your face another, snow the next minute, and then the sun will come out and practically roast you. You can’t ever tell what kind of weather you’re going to have. They say that when we leave here we will be able to stand any kind of weather in the world. I hope they’re right.

Well we have been doing quite a bit of marching, exercises, classes of all kind. I am pretty stiff all over, but ought to leave me after a couple of days. I took my first ride in a tank today, and it was quite an experience. They put me up in the gun turret where it is pretty cold riding, and kind of rough. It was in the biggest tank they have here, a 32 ton tank. There sure is a lot of machinery to look after in those tanks.

You asked me if any kids came back here with me. There were 9 of us all together. 3 of us were from San Diego, the rest from Imperial Valley. Bob didn’t come here with us, I don’t know where he went but he was at the reception center when I left. He probably went to an Air Force center. He may write to you as I gave him your address so that we might get together again.

They have made me a White Patchman, that is a candidate for Officers training school if you can go your 13 weeks of training without getting it took from you for any little violation of the rules. After you finish your basic if you still have your white patch they will make you a sergeant, and then send you to an officers school. If you can pass that you will become a 2nd lieutenant. I am hoping for it, but it will be pretty tough. Right now I have a section of 18 men to march and give exercises to. It is pretty hard but I think I can do it. I hope!

I received your card Lois, it sure was swell. Thanks a lot, and you better write me a letter once in awhile. You too Glen I would like to hear from you.

How did the pictures come out. Could you get one that was any good? I sure hope so. I haven’t been able to get my picture taken as yet but I think I will be able to get one in a few days.

We have quite a few things we can do here on post. There is a Recreation Hall where we can play pool, ping pong, listen to the radio, and lay around. They also have a theatre here with a new show every nite. They have a cafe and dance hall, and have a dance 3 times a week. Plenty of entertainment, more than we have time to do. Please send me some home made cookies or something, it sure would taste good. Well enough of this for now. More later when I have a little more time.



P.S. I wrote to Donna last week, and received an answer from her today. 

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Ft. Knox, Ky.
Feb. 14, 1943

Dear Folks;

I guess you were pretty surprised to hear I was shipped so far away. I was surprised myself when they called my name for Ft. Knox. You know what that means, Armored Forces, Tanks, armored trucks. They say this is the best organization in the Army. I think I am really going to like it.

When I had my interview down at McArthur, you know, I was trying for ground force, but they were pretty well filled up in that line so I didn’t have enough experience to qualify for that. They finally decided that I had enough truck driving to qualify for more training.

We will be at this Ft. for 13 weeks for basic training, when we finish that we have a good chance to come back to Calif. for advanced training. While we are here we will learn how to drive everything from jeeps to 32 ton tanks. Not to mention how to march, and how to sleep out in the open and everything. It will really toughen you up so you can make out most any place.

We spent five days on the road, I was sick + tired of riding when we finally arrived. It was a swell trip anyway. We went thru 9 states altogether. We went 1st class all the way, had a Pullman car, ate in the diner. We arrived in Chicago Friday afternoon, and had a 6 hour wait so we went out and took in the town. It’s really something to see. They have the largest U.S.O. stop in the country. The building is as big as the new office building at Consolidated. Everything you can think of to do, bowling, pool, dancing, libraries, writing rooms, music rooms, record players, anything you can think of, all free. We had a lot of fun there, and at 12:00 p.m. we continued on to Louisville, Ky. We arrived there at 7:45 a.m. Sat. + had to stay there for 4 hours. It is a town about as large as S.D., more things to do. Ft. Knox is 31 miles from there. We are restricted to our barracks for 2 weeks. We are getting a million + one shots. I feel like a sieve. I think I will like the Army as well as anything I have to like!

The chow is pretty good, plenty of it, meat, butter, eggs etc.

Write soon + try to send my razor and a couple of boxes of blades. Also enclose a $10 money order as we won’t get paid till April. In case you can’t cash my check, send it here.



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